How to submit correct American DVLottery application 2021

Congratulation my friends. today DVLottry have started. You can submit your request by filling the application required data in the official DVLottery Website.
Submit to DVLottery 2021
Submit to DVLottery 2021
Some of you are really afraid to do it. they afraid to make a mistake, it's true, any mistake will make your chance to go to America equal 0 !!
So before you start you must read carefully this article and know how exactly by steps you can submit a successful application on it and what to do after that.

First thing: Some Notes
Before you go to the dvlottery website and fill your data you need to know that:
1 - You must be 18+ to submit yourself , else you need your father and mother to submit an application and add you.
2 - if you haven't get a passport then you must start to get it now.
3 - you need a photo for you with a white background, no photoshop effects or filters, no glass or hat or anything that's covering your face.
for more you need to go to the DVLottery Website instructions page.
4 - you only have 30 minutes to submit your application. if you failed you will start from the beginning.
5 - Don't submit twice or your application will get a rejection.
6 - Prepare the info you need to save some time.
7 - After Successful registeration print your data which you entered and save your confirmation number. this number will be used in May 2020 to check if you won or not.

How to Start:
1 - Go to the oficial website: DVLottery
2 - you will see the welcome page like above the article.
3 - click on the green button
Submit DVLottery Application
Submit DVLottery Application
4 - Confirm you are a human by re-writing the right captcha
5 - click on Submit to go to the application page. be-careful there is only 30 minutes to write everything and upload your photo.

This is the new step: adding the passport info. all what you need is your name in passport, passport number and expiration date and country of issuance

Second thing: what are the required info from you?
1) Name: Your Last Name - First Name - Middle Name
2) Gender: Male or Female
3) Birth Date: Month - Day - Year
4) City Where You Were Born (Do not enter District/County/Province/State).
5) Country Where You Were Born
6) Country of Eligibility for the DV Program: (If your Country is already Eligible for the DVLottery Program Click on Yes, Otherwise click no and specify the country which is eligible for your case).
7) Passport
Name On Passport: Last Name - First Name - Middle Name
Passport Number
Passport Expiration Date: Month - Day - Year
8)  Entrant Photograph
9) Mailing Address
A - in care of: (Your Name) and this is optional
B - Address Line 1
C - Address Line 2 (optional)
D - City/Town
E - District/County/Province/State
F - Postal Code/Zip Code
G - Country
10) Country Where You Live Today
11) Phone Number (Optional and don't forget to add the country code before it if you put it)
12) Email Address
13)  The highest level of education you have achieved, as of today
14)  current marital status
15)  Number of Children's for example: 0

After completing all of the above you must click on the continue button below, the website will redirect you to the second page to get your wife and children's info
Spouse Name: Last Name - First Name - Middle Name
Birth Date: Month - Day - Year
Gender: Male or Female
City Where Your spouse were born
Spouse country

The same info for the spouse is required for every kid or daughter you have.

Before submit review your data again because after hitting "submit" you will not be able to change it again.

After that write the confirmation number, name and date of birth , then print this page or send it to email, or keep it as  PDF page on your PC

We hope you get the American Green card. just make sure you have followed all the above steps.
with our best wishes. How to Doctor Blog


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